Cat lovers understand how much pleasure it gives a kitty parent to see their cat’s face fill with glee as they happily gobble up that little piece of salmon leftover from dinner or the last nibble of chicken we can’t finish. After all, if it is safe for us to eat it should be safe for our cat, right? Unfortunately, as much as we hate to burst your bubble, this is sadly not always the case. Because they are a different species cat’s bodies have evolved differently. Their bodies break down food differently from us, which can make them sensitive to certain foods.
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Every once in a while tuna won’t hurt but a steady diet of tuna can negatively impact your cat by causing malnutrition and even mercury poisoning. Tuna meat is highly attractive to kitties so keep an eye on any open cans.
Onions, garlic, chives
Not only can onion, garlic and chives cause gastrointestinal upset for your furry feline but onions can also cause your cat to become anemic if a large quantity is ingested. This applies to onions in all its forms including onion powder and raw or cooked onions. The only food your cat should be eating is their regular cat food and treats in addition to their daily regimen of NuVet Plus.
Nobody likes to share his or her chocolate so it shouldn’t be too hard to keep it away from Fluffy. Chocolate contains theobromine, which is toxic to cats. When it comes to chocolate generally the purer the chocolate or the darker it is, the harder it is on your cat’s system. In addition to heart and nervous system problems, seizures, abnormal heart rhythm, tremors or even worse.
Dairy products
When people envision cats drinking something it’s usually the image of a sweet little feline joyously lapping up milk out of a saucer. It might come as a shocker but cats are actually lactose intolerant. The only milk a cat should ever consume is that of its mother when she is a kitten. Stomach upset and diarrhea can result if kitty consumes milk, cheese, ice cream or other dairy products.
Grapes and raisins
Grapes and raisins should be avoided because they can cause kidney failure in felines. Cats who have been negatively affected will show symptoms such as vomiting and hyperactivity. Although some cats may show no symptoms the general rule of thumb is to keep Fluffy away from grapes and raisins.
If you suspect that your cat may have ingested any of the above listed foods and you are concerned, always check with your vet. Early treatment is always the best treatment. If you find your snack list has just gotten shorter don’t worry. Why not start providing your cat with a nutritious vitamin supplement like NuVet Plus instead? Trusted by pet parents everywhere, NuVet Plus is comprised of human grade ingredients and specially formulated for your pet’s nutritional requirements. If you would like to see what happy pet owners are saying about NuVet Plus, check out the many NuVet Reviews.